We are giving away 3 key traits out of the 10 we list in our "10 Traits of a Successful Entrepreneur" E-book. Purchase the E-book to know the other 7 Traits!
You may be relieved to learn that many entrepreneurs begin cautious and frightened. What important is that you turn your fear into action.
Begin by creating a list of what frightens you. Then, think about why each thing on your list makes you nervous. Then, have a brainstorming session to come up with solutions to overcome them. Taking action, overcome your fears, and getting out of your comfort zone is CRUCIAL to become a successful entrepreneur.

Grit is defined as persistence. A never give up attitude. Entrepreneurs are expected to have a go-getter mentality. Grit is the ability to persevere when everyone tells you to give up. Or when people won't support you. You will have family and friends that won’t support you at first and that is normal for every entrepreneur starting out.
You must be relentless and passionate with what you are doing if you want to be a successful entrepreneur.
You will not get far in the entrepreneurial world unless you put in the effort and have a gritty endurance to execute whatever business you want to pursue.
Ignore the naysayers and stay focused

Your entrepreneurial path will be a steep learning curve. You will make mistakes, you will make lots of mistakes, but why should you let them define you?
Instead, use failures as a chance to improve your company's vision and yourself. It may take time to learn from costly mistakes, but they will not plague you forever. In my opinion, you must make mistakes to grow. There is no way around it. Every entrepreneur feeds off of their mistakes that they make.
You will fall, everybody fails, but it’s those that get up stronger then ever and learn from their failures that prevail in the end.
